
think SMART to LOOK smart

“Design is the silent ambassador of your brand” Paul Rand, art director, Professor Emeritus of Graphic Design and creator of some of the world’s most iconic logos and corporate identities. While many ad agencies provide us with print-ready design elements, more and more clients come straight to us for design and branding input. We saw the gap and leapt into it with our own in-house studio, supported by top local and international designers, art directors and even copywriters, offering a full range of professional creative services.

Graphic Design

AIGA (The Professional Association for Design) has this to say: “Graphic design, also known as communication design, is the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content.” At SmartWorks, our creatives adopt and adapt this definition, and ensure that it’s carried seamlessly through every element of the campaign.


The first step towards creating an impression for your brand: it can be a symbol with relevance to your brand, name or purpose; it can include a memorable, meaningful slogan or payoff line; and most importantly, it must be instantly and inextricably associated with your brand.

Business Cards

A seemingly small job that can make a creative’s day! These calling cards are a must, to put yourself
top-of-mind with the recipient: if it’s clever and appealing, it’s implicit that your brand is too.


These help your customers get to know and want both your brand and your products. Our aim is to create a brand template, then give each product its own ‘look & feel’, which drops easily into it.
Logical, but it works!

Packaging Design

In Wikipedia terms, packaging is “the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution.” In SmartWorks speak, it’s all about in-house collaboration with designers, die-cutting experts and even paper sculptors, resulting in a pack that jumps off the shelf, straight into the customer’s trolley!
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